
Imported White Peru Quinoa


  • Quinoa is high in anti-inflammatory phytonutrients, which makes it potentially useful in the prevention of disease.
  • It is KETO-FRIENDLY & VEGAN seeds.
  • It is rich in dietary fiber and Gluten-free.
  • It is loaded with antioxidants and also rich in proteins
  • Store in an airtight container in a cool, dry, dark place away from humidity. Avoid using a wet spoon to handle this product.

Quinoa is a superfood that originated in the Andean region of South America.

White Quinoa Grain is gluten-free, high in protein, and one of the few plant foods that contain sufficient amounts of all nine essential amino acids. Meals prep white using White Quinoa Grain provide you with lasting energy and endurance, enhance memory power, and promote weight loss. These super seeds contain the right amount of fiber and a high percentage of protein per serving, making them dense in nutrients and low in carbs.



Health Benefit Of Anirink White Quinoa Grain:

  • Anirink White Quinoa Grain is 100% Natural, 100% Vegan, Ultra Low Carb, Gluten-Free, and Saponin Free, which removes its bitterness. Quinoa is high in anti-inflammatory phytonutrients, which makes it potentially useful in the prevention of disease. It is naturally high in dietary fiber, quinoa is a slowly digested carbohydrate, making it a low glycemic index option.
  • Low Carb White Quinoa Grain is low in glycemic index and frequently used to aid healthy weight management and promotes. overall health.
  • Quinoa contains large amounts of flavonoids, including quercetin and kaempferol, potent plant antioxidants with numerous health benefits. It is also one of the best sources of plant-based protein for both vegetarians and vegans.
  • It is also high in magnesium, B vitamins, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin E, antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Quinoa is high in protein, fibre, calcium, iron & all nine essential amino acids.



How to use

Add 1 cup White Quinoa, 2 cups water. Boil for 12-15 minutes and enjoy it.

You can use quinoa in both sweet and savory recipes.

Weight N/A
Product Weight


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