
Rolled Oats


  • This product is vegetarian
  • Contains high fibre -It contains high fibre, vitamins and minerals which gives benefits to health
  • No artificial colours -There is no artificial colours added , flavours and preservatives
  • Protects heart health-Anirink rolled oats lower the risk of heart disease

Keeps you full for a longer period of time-As are high in fibre content, which keeps your stomach filled for a longer period of time


Anirink Rolled oats also called old-fashioned oats which are flat and flakey.

It is a type of lightly processed whole-grain food. Traditionally, they are made from oat groats that have been dehusked and steamed, before being rolled into flat flakes under heavy rollers and then stabilized by being lightly toasted.

Anirink Old-fashioned rolled oats are a nutritious food that can easily be incorporated into your daily diet.


Health benefits of rolled oats

  • Anirink Rolled Oats protect the skin from scars and rashes and can be used as a face mask and enhance skin health.
  • It also helps to gain muscle as it contains a rich source of protein.
  • It helps you in managing weight and improves digestion
  • It strengthens your hair.
  • Anirink Rolled Oats boost your energy level.
  • Anirink rolled Oats are made with 0% Added Sugar.

Gluteen free

A gluten-free diet (GFD) is a nutritional plan that strictly excludes gluten, which is a mixture of proteins found in Rolled oats

Improves energy levels

Promotes healthy weight gain

Eliminates bloating

Reduces joint pain

Reduces the frequency of headaches

Reduces depression

High Fiber
Fiber is incredibly important.
It leaves your stomach undigested and ends up in your colon, where it feeds friendly gut bacteria, leading to various health benefits
Certain types of fiber may also promote weight loss, lower blood sugar levels, and fight constipation
Old fashioned Oats are among the healthiest grain foods on the planet. They’re very high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
They contain a powerful soluble fiber called beta glucan, which has major beneficial effects on blood sugar and cholesterol levels
Overnight oats have become a staple for easy breakfast ideas.

Immunity Booster

 Oats contain soluble fibre and beta-glucan. Beta-glucans also enhance the activity of macrophages, neutrophils and natural killer cells to fight a variety of infections caused by fungi, bacteria, viruses and parasites. Zinc and selenium in oats also help in fighting infections. Oats help fight off respiratory infections and research has found that those babies who start eating oats earlier are protected against childhood asthma. No Added color preservatives Rolled oats are made from plants . As they are naturally made they don’t contain any preservative nor any artificial color

How to use Anirink rolled oats

 Banana Oat meal from Anirink Rolled Oats
½ Cup Anirink Rolled Oats
¼ TSP Salt
1 cup Milk of Choice
¼ cup water or Additional milk of choice
1 Large very overripe Banana, Mashed
Optional ¼ TSP Cinnamon
Optional crushed Walnuts, Mini Chocolate Chips , Shredded coconut , ETC .
Sweetener of Choice , If needed
Combine all ingredients in small pot
Boil over medium heat
Stir only occasionally to prevent sticking or boiling over
It will eventually thicken. Sweeten as desired
Add your favorite toppings like peanut butter, mini chocolate chips, or the healthy nutella
Serve hot, or refrigerate overnight and serve either hot or cold the next day .

Weight N/A
Product Weight


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