Buckwheat Flour (Kuttu Atta) 500gm


  • It Maintains blood sugar levels that avoid the formation of blood clots and decreases inflammation.
  • It Maintains cholesterol levels because AHA dietary fiber present helps improve blood cholesterol levels.
  • It Boosts immunity from infections and helps to stay healthy.
  • It Improves Heart Health because an antioxidant cuts the risk of heart disease by preventing the formation of blood clots thus decreasing chances of inflammation.
  • It’s Gluten-Free
  • Store in an airtight container in a cool, dry, dark place away from humidity. Avoid using a wet spoon to handle this product. After opening try finishing in 15days.

50 in stock

SKU: BWF-AR-500 Categories: , , , , , Tags: , , ,

Buckwheat Flour is made after grinding Hulled Buckwheat Groats. Buckwheat groats are the hulled seeds of the buckwheat plant. They are a popular grain in eastern European cuisines. Buckwheat is also known as kuttu ki puri in India.

Cultivation Process:

Buckwheat is an early or a second crop in the season, or because the total growing season is limited. It establishes quickly, which suppresses summer weeds and can be a reliable cover crop in summer to fit a small slot of the warm season. Buckwheat has a growing period of only 10–12 weeks and it can be grown in high latitude or northern areas. Buckwheat is sometimes used as a “green manure”, as a plant for erosion control, or as wildlife cover and feed. There is no pesticides or fertilizers are needed to grow this crop and it is by default organic.

Special Importance In India:

In India, buckwheat flour is known as kuttu ka atta and is culturally associated for ages with many festivals like Shivratri, Navaratri, Ekadashi, Janmashtami, etc. On the day of these festivals, food items made only from buckwheat are consumed.

Health Benefit Of Anirink Buckwheat Flour:

It Boosts immunity from infections and helps to stay healthy.
It Maintains blood sugar levels that avoid the formation of blood clots and decreases inflammation.
It Maintains cholesterol levels because AHA dietary fiber present helps improve blood cholesterol levels.
It Improves Heart Health because an antioxidant cuts the risk of heart disease by preventing the formation of blood clots thus decreasing chances of inflammation.

How To Use Anirink Buckwheat Flour:

Buckwheat pancakes are eaten in several countries.
Buckwheat bread (roti) with potato curry and sour curd, Sikkim, India.
Kuttu ke pakore, a snack made from buckwheat flour, India.
We can sprout buckwheat and make a salad out of it.
It is a good replacement for Wheat Flour and Rice Flour.

Weight 500 g
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